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5A Junction box

Are 5amp junction boxes acceptable on a 6amp lighting circuit?

I personally wouldn’t use them as they are too small, but if they are already fitted are they acceptable? 

  • AJJewsbury: 

    I worked with an electrician who always used them on lighting circuits with 6a breakers, is this common practice on domestic properties?

    If common practice is anything like what I do, then it'd be more like avoiding junction boxes like the plague.

    I much prefer to keep terminals accessible - looping in at lights or switches - is much preferred.

    Junction boxes might sometimes be needed for additionals/alterations to existing circuits - though to be honest I'd probably go for a plastic box and some wago connectors these days. I can't remember when I last used a traditional round JB - certainly more than a decade ago.

        - Andy.

    Sometimes the small circular junction boxes were good as they fitted through a hole in the ceiling allowing a new downlighter to be wired in. Also they were flame retardant and not just made of flimsy soft plastic.


  • AJJewsbury: 

    I worked with an electrician who always used them on lighting circuits with 6a breakers, is this common practice on domestic properties?

    If common practice is anything like what I do, then it'd be more like avoiding junction boxes like the plague.

    I much prefer to keep terminals accessible - looping in at lights or switches - is much preferred.

    Junction boxes might sometimes be needed for additionals/alterations to existing circuits - though to be honest I'd probably go for a plastic box and some wago connectors these days. I can't remember when I last used a traditional round JB - certainly more than a decade ago.

        - Andy.

    Sometimes the small circular junction boxes were good as they fitted through a hole in the ceiling allowing a new downlighter to be wired in. Also they were flame retardant and not just made of flimsy soft plastic.


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