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5A Junction box

Are 5amp junction boxes acceptable on a 6amp lighting circuit?

I personally wouldn’t use them as they are too small, but if they are already fitted are they acceptable? 

  • JDW: 

    I've seen quite a few that have been done like this, mainly on older installations (1990's  and 00's) was it common practice then? 

    Alright Guv I'll confess. I done it. Honest I ‘ad to. Fitting a new light downstairs. Did I wanna go upstairs and move the double bed, roll back the carpet, cut a trap to fit a junction box, perhaps in a chip board floor that would creak a lot when walked on afterwards. I ain’t a chippy mate.  Nah mate. I just used choc blocks to connect the new light. Taped all the chock blocks wiv good quality electrical insulation tape of the right colours, then stuffed the lot up into the ceiling void above the new light. Did I evva have any comebacks? Nah. All jobs were gooduns. No fires, no shocks no problems. Crickey mate, I woz doin' that when I was knee high to a dis board.


  • JDW: 

    I've seen quite a few that have been done like this, mainly on older installations (1990's  and 00's) was it common practice then? 

    Alright Guv I'll confess. I done it. Honest I ‘ad to. Fitting a new light downstairs. Did I wanna go upstairs and move the double bed, roll back the carpet, cut a trap to fit a junction box, perhaps in a chip board floor that would creak a lot when walked on afterwards. I ain’t a chippy mate.  Nah mate. I just used choc blocks to connect the new light. Taped all the chock blocks wiv good quality electrical insulation tape of the right colours, then stuffed the lot up into the ceiling void above the new light. Did I evva have any comebacks? Nah. All jobs were gooduns. No fires, no shocks no problems. Crickey mate, I woz doin' that when I was knee high to a dis board.


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