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5A Junction box

Are 5amp junction boxes acceptable on a 6amp lighting circuit?

I personally wouldn’t use them as they are too small, but if they are already fitted are they acceptable? 

  • well once covered in site applied thermoplastic  insulation, it may be argued to actually comply, at least until the tape peels off. Self amalgamating tape is better in that regard.


    (and there may be a few bits with my prints on too in strange places,  but I'm not saying where. Mine is the one where the cables are knotted or cable tied to each other to give strain relief )

  • well once covered in site applied thermoplastic  insulation, it may be argued to actually comply, at least until the tape peels off. Self amalgamating tape is better in that regard.


    (and there may be a few bits with my prints on too in strange places,  but I'm not saying where. Mine is the one where the cables are knotted or cable tied to each other to give strain relief )

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