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Simple batten lighting diagram

Former Community Member
Former Community Member

Can somebody point me in the direction of a SIMPLE batten lighting diagram where

a) its in a divided outbuilding

b) its a radial circuit 

c) from the consumer unit (In the Outbuilding) , room 1 has 1 switch and 1 batten LED light

d) continuing from room 1, room 2 has 1 switch for 2 batten LED lights

e) both rooms/switches need to be totally independent of each other as there are 2 separate entry points.


Thanks in Advance.

  • I suggest you are supposed to have some electrical knowledge before solving this sort of problem, as there is so much more to it than just creating the wiring diagram, such as choice of cable, routing method, collapse in the event of fire, IP ratings, voltage drops etc, factors not yet even touched upon.

    If the information in the posts above is really not enough for you to work out the diagram part, (and it should be, your question has been answered several times over)  I strongly suggest that for safety you get someone in to do it for you, and to watch them and ask questions as it is done.
