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Anyone tried the new MK sockets with lever terminals?

Obvious failing to my eyes is only 3 PE terminals - if you're spurring off from a ring and prefer to have a fly-lead to the back box then you're going to need 4. (OK you could loop one of the c.p.c.s through the back box terminal if you're using reduced size c.p.c.s. (e.g. T&E) - but it's a bit messy and probably isn't going to work with full sized c.p.c.s. as most many back box terminals won't take more than one larger conductor).

   - Andy.

  • I saw these last week, not tried one yet. 

    There are a few videos doing the rounds though demonstrating 2.5 being easily pulled out.

    Have we gone back to the 70s with earth colouring too? Must get some new green sleeve. 

  • I saw these last week, not tried one yet. 

    There are a few videos doing the rounds though demonstrating 2.5 being easily pulled out.

    Have we gone back to the 70s with earth colouring too? Must get some new green sleeve. 

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