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Using BS8436 cable - Thinking check

Good morning everyone, its that time again where if you could spare five minutes of your expertise I would be much obliged!

I currently have to install cabling and controls for a new retrofit underfloor heating system. This system is low profile and involves the pipework laid on a (appx 20mm deep) mat. The existing floor construction is concrete. All pipework will then be set in a deep base levelling compound prior to full tiling of the floor.

The house is fully decorated and the client is unwilling to disturb decoration unless absolutely necessary. It has been suggested to remove coving and run cabling behind to thermostats but this has met firm opposition. There is no access from above other than this.

My current thinking - and it is this that I would appreciate your input on/abuse if you think it's unacceptable :)…

To install 1.5mm BS8436 cable within 16mm flexible conduit in screed where necessary and otherwise behind skirting boards which are being replaced in the course of works. Where in floor (in my created building void) the conduit will be 100mm away from the central heating loops but would inevitably be within the thermal mass of the floor. It will be installed away from where any future installation of carpet would necessitate gripper rods to be nailed down as far as practicable.

Conservatively I have calculated the following derating factors which I hope will be more than conservative enough to make sure Iz is within tolerance for my protective device.

Table 4D2A 1.5mm2 Cable Reference Method A (worst case scenario conservatively selected as more likely to be reference method b). Four core cable rating (three phase (again going conservative to allow for the switch line). Current carrying capacity: 13 Amps At an ambient temperature of 30 degrees

13 x 0.50 = 6.5 amps  (derating for a 60 degree ambient temp even though specification says 45-50 degrees for the heating loop water temperature and the ambient temperature of the floor where the cables will be will almost certainly be far below this as they will not be up against them.

6.5 x 0.79 = 5.135  (derating for three grouped cables. Highly unlikely to be necessary (but just in case). These cables are for thermostats only so are almost certainly going to be carrying less than ⅓ grouped current rating.

5.135 x 0.65 = 3.33 amps (additional (bonus) derating for unventilated cabling system as per notes [2 layers of cable - unventilated]

I'm going to use a 3A type B MCB (class 3) at the manifold which will probably also act as the isolator for the central heating controls. 

Other than being super cautious can you guys see any wrong-think in my workings - would there be anything else you would consider?

This is the first time I've used BS8436 cable and primarily it is being used to get around the cable not being in permitted zones/at depth within the floor and walls. I've read the guidance with regard to using type B class 3 MCB's at a fault current <5kA which is what will be happening in this installation. I have noticed some suppliers give a maximum energy let through for the protective device (42000A2S) but annoyingly the particular supplier (Atom) that make the cable I have been given do not - I've asked them but am not holding my breath. Do you know whether this maximum energy let through is built into the product standard by any chance. The energy let through of the 3A type B MCB (and probably the 16A type B at the origin of the circuit) is almost certainly going to be far below 42000A2S within an installation with a PEFC <3kA - do I need to look any further into this or is the use of type B MCB's just a ‘given’ with this type of cable.

Hopefully you haven't all nodded off during that. Thanks in advance for any help and advice you can give.






  • Oh… and the circuit will be 30mA RCD protected. :)

  • This stuff then I think the ‘short circuit current’ column under the tab for the current rating is fantasy or in the wrong units. Use your own analysis.

    Should meet the regs routed out of zone, and if it gets hit, well the RCD will go off, that is why we have it.

    It is unusual, and I'd be minded to take photos or make a sketch and leave a copy in an envelope by the CU - it will not be what the next person to look at it will be expecting, make life easy for your future self and avoid them ringing you up to say it is an EICR fail when it isn't..

    If you are really worried, what is the PSSC, and do you know the make of the MCB /RCD - quite often they publish their own disconnection curves which are quite a bit faster than the minimum, and you can then be reassured that you have some margin.



    Those tests

    the BS standard is:

    • Voltage rating: 300/500v
    • Range: 1.0mm to 4.0mm2, 2c 3c & 4c plus earth.

    Three principle performance criteria called up in BS 8436:2011 are:

    Nail Test:A 0.9kg a weight dropped from a height of 400mm driving a steel nail through the cable, the cable is deemed to have passed if it operates up to a 32A Type B MCB in six consecutive valid strikes.
    Impact test:A 0.5kg chisel-edged weight is dropped from a height of 250mm and the cable shall maintain its electrical integrity. The same is done with a radiused weight. The test is carried out at 20° C.
    Water immersion test:A 20m sample of cable is immersed into water at 20° C for 24 hours. The cable’s electrical integrity is tested following this.

     As an aside if you  want a better cable - well one that is rated for a higher voltage, it is worth looking for dual rated Irish and UK cable.


    An existing Irish standard that was modified to include cable failing safe under nail penetration, this standard addition was based on BS8436, but has a number of important differences: 

    differences in the standard are:

    • Voltage rating: 600/1000v
    • Range: 1.0mm to 6.0mm, 2c 3c & 4c plus earth

    The other principle  criteria called up in IS 273 are basically the same as used in BS8436.




  • Hi Mike, thanks for coming back to me. That is the cable. Apparently it is to that Irish Standard as well according to the website specofication. From previous tests the PEFC at origin will be less than 2kA. Not sure yet what it will be at the 3A MCB by the manifold. Its a good call regarding photos and as fitted drawings and was something I was intending to append to the certificate and by the manifold/consumer unit. What throws me a little about the test criteria is - what if the cable is pinned and experiences a fault >160 amps or whatever figure they specify. I appreciate the duration will come into effect and we're into K2S2 being >I2T - bit difficult to assess if you can't actually get that data - or would this be a given if the shield can tolerate a relatively slow burning lower fault for a full a second? I'll dig out some MCB data later but i fully expect the I2T of it at this fault current to be at the very least less than 10000.

  • The risk of course is that the foiling  burns back from the nail before the MCB or RCD opens, and opens the fault path, leaving a live nail. That would not be ideal, but its better than nailing T and E where you go straight to the  live nail situation. the RCD then hopefully protects the user if they touch it. That ‘fusing current’ to melt the foil is the I2T we are looking at.


    Given the test calls up a 32a MCB, you are some way back down from that.

    I'd be vary wary of that table that claims to be in kA… as you say, more likely amps.


  • As a quick sanity check, the allowable energy let-through for 1.0mm² c.p.c. in a T&E cable would be k²S² - or usually 115² x 1² = 13,225A²s.  The withstand for the aluminium foil in a BS 8436 cable is likely to be significantly higher than that (especially as in this case, as Mike notes, we're worried temperatures that will melt/vapourise the aluminium rather than just permanently damage PVC insulation).

        - Andy.

  • Scrambled: 

    It has been suggested to remove coving and run cabling behind to thermostats but this has met firm opposition. There is no access from above other than this.


    Battery operated wireless thermostats?

  • Thanks both. In fairness Atom did come back to me just with an excerpt from the British Standard which mentions using a CPD with an energy let through <42000A2S.


    I have seen this figure quoted in other manufacturers literature as well. I have the energy let through data for a B6 MK Sentry (they make a 3A type b as well) which puts the energy let through at 3kA at around 10000A2S which as you said Andy would be fine for a 1mm CPC. What is turning me about a little bit is that the test procedure doesn't seem to make an allowance for a low impedance/high fault current short. Im just struggling as to how I as the designer can ensure fault protection at all points in the circuit or will I have achieved this by virtue of meeting disconnection times and following the british standard? It would seem impractical to use this cable if it can only protect against a short to a maximum current of 100/160 amps!

    It makes sense the consideration that we're not necessarily protecting the pvc insulation but rather ensuring that the circuit can disconnect and I suppose at the point in time the cable gets pinned it is knackered but yes the thought of the foil frying post penetration and then the circuit being re-energised is not a comforting one. 

    Where did you obtain the information about the K2S2 of the foil being generally greater than that of a 1mm copper cpc Andy? I'd be happy my 3A MCB would take care of any drama if this were the case :)


    Thanks again chaps.



  • All the gear is onsite. It's my problem now! :)

  • The MCB let-through in I2t == joules per ohm is the maximum, over the full range of prospective fault currents that are between the onset of near instant tripping (5 times In for a B type then) and the upper limit of 6000A or whatever is stamped on the breaker.

    This does cover all cases. rest easy. The energy  in joules it takes to vaporise a fixed amount of  however much aluminium, is more or less independent of the rate of arrival of those joules, once you are fast enough to be able to consider the process adiabatic.


    That was 160 amps for a second - so perhaps for a 10th of a second 450 amps (times by root 10)

    for 1/100 of a second, more like 1.6kA (times by root 100)

    for 1/1000 second, more like 4.5kA  (times by root  1000)

    etc. All give the same heating power into the metal so the same degree of damage.


  • Thanks Mike, that makes sense and I'm starting to think I might be seriously in danger of overthinking this. 

    Do you think I am reading/complying with the british standards correctly if I were to use the MK Type B MCB which at 6kA (its maximum fault current rating) has a maximum energy let through of approximately 13000A2S which is significantly less than the stated maximum for the protective device of 42000A2S and that the cable would be capable of fulfilling its purpose in the event of a ‘penetration event’.


    In reality both the fault current and the energy let through will be far lower than this. As I said previously I'm anticipating a PEFC <3kA at origin. The start of the 8436 cabling and 3A device will be remote from the origin as well again bringing down the fault current.

    I will be complying with the ECA guidance as well i.e. ensuring use of type b devices and only when pfc is <5kA.

    Is there anything I'm missing here or have I got the right end of the stick?

    Thanks again for all your help all. It's always good fun trying something new. :)