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Generation & Transmission Losses.

Are they really this bad. So let's make it a gas, man.

  • wallywombat: 

    Jon Steward: 

    If the green's hadn't got in the way our engineers would have small scale modular reactors installed in most towns. 

    Even if the greens had been the most enthusiastic advocates of such technologies, we still wouldn't have had them.

    That is one of the problems. The nuclear industry has never been good at public relations. The scaremongering by the press regarding nuclear is impressive in both its volume, lack of accuracy And technical knowledge. Unfortunately the UK government have taken the same side, instead of promoting and encouraging a safe and reliable method of generating green energy. 



  • wallywombat: 

    Jon Steward: 

    If the green's hadn't got in the way our engineers would have small scale modular reactors installed in most towns. 

    Even if the greens had been the most enthusiastic advocates of such technologies, we still wouldn't have had them.

    That is one of the problems. The nuclear industry has never been good at public relations. The scaremongering by the press regarding nuclear is impressive in both its volume, lack of accuracy And technical knowledge. Unfortunately the UK government have taken the same side, instead of promoting and encouraging a safe and reliable method of generating green energy. 



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