I have an interesting little project. Running two parallel TPN circuits of 150mm2 pvc/pvc single core non armoured conductors on 300mm cable tray for 120m. Neutrals as per lines. Resistive heating load. To ensure equal current share I was going to use L1,2,3,N,N,3,2,1 in flat formation on tray which, according to table 4C5 would warrant a de-rating factor of 0.91. However, I have just been told that there is another large cable on the tray so we will have to run with a double-decker stack with 4 conductors on top of 4 conductors L1,2,3, N on bottom and L3,2,1, N on top. However, not sure of the detracting factor applicable. Load is only 600A per phase so full capacity won’t be used.