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Type A RCBO does not trip.

Any suggestions?

  • I have a lot more faith in the Megger than the Dilog. 

    All the insulation resistance tests are okay. 

    It started as a tripping issue, now it's not tripping when I think it should be!

  • I have a lot more faith in the Megger than the Dilog. 

    All the insulation resistance tests are okay. 

    It started as a tripping issue, now it's not tripping when I think it should be!

  • Looks tricky. What about current coming IN to neutral through the earth? If there is a fault next door for example your earth might actually be a higher voltage than the incoming neutral, assuming TN supply. And of course this could be changing all the time. 

    Other than equipment issues I can't think of anything else at the moment.