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Location of a distribution Board

We manufacture modular student accommodation. Each module has a small distribution board located within a cupboard inside the module. I want to move this distribution board to the Landlord riser. The student will then have no access to this. I would like a 2 hour fire rated hatch to access the distribution board so the student can re-set a RCBO if one trips out of hours. This hatch would be in an area containing a shower but outside any zones. The maintenance would be carried out by access from the corridor full size door.  

  • Good, we know what you are working on - but what is the question or discussion point ?

    I'd be a bit uneasy about the risk of the door being left open to the electrics in the bathroom but without seeing it, commenting based on what may be the wrong mental picture.

    best regards Mike.

  • Good, we know what you are working on - but what is the question or discussion point ?

    I'd be a bit uneasy about the risk of the door being left open to the electrics in the bathroom but without seeing it, commenting based on what may be the wrong mental picture.

    best regards Mike.

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