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Location of a distribution Board

We manufacture modular student accommodation. Each module has a small distribution board located within a cupboard inside the module. I want to move this distribution board to the Landlord riser. The student will then have no access to this. I would like a 2 hour fire rated hatch to access the distribution board so the student can re-set a RCBO if one trips out of hours. This hatch would be in an area containing a shower but outside any zones. The maintenance would be carried out by access from the corridor full size door.  

  • How could you guarantee that the 2 hour fire rating of the hatch between the riser and the shower room would be maintained at all times? A student might leave the hatch open for ventilation, hiding their stash of whatever, talking to their neighbours without going outside etc

    Would the riser's fire rating be compromised by having a number of fire risk CUs installed? And wouldn't they be better sited where they already are, within a compartment?

  • How could you guarantee that the 2 hour fire rating of the hatch between the riser and the shower room would be maintained at all times? A student might leave the hatch open for ventilation, hiding their stash of whatever, talking to their neighbours without going outside etc

    Would the riser's fire rating be compromised by having a number of fire risk CUs installed? And wouldn't they be better sited where they already are, within a compartment?

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