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BS 951 Earth Clamp

What, in your opinion, is the purpose of the nut pointed to below?

  • GSIUR regulation 18 (2) "Any person who connects any installation pipework to a primary meter shall, in any case where electrical equipotential bonding may be necessary, inform the responsible person that such bonding should be carried out by a competent person."

    So technically correct to leave it dangling, although by doing so you are saying you are not competentSlight smile

  • Even more confusing, whilst a 'competent person' might have to do it under GSUIR, this is something that does not require a 'legal person' registered with a 'competent person certification scheme' to carry out under Part P Thinking

  • Couldn't see "competent person" defined in Part P,  but it references BS7671 2008 amd 1 as the standard (non-ambulatory) which does/did define a competent person.

    As for legal person, not sure where that comes from, unless it is the Judge if it all went Pete Tong.

    Will schemes now be changing the scene name to "skilled person (electrically) scheme"?

  • Couldn't see "competent person" defined in Part P, 

    Sorry, my last post post was a bit tongue-in-cheek.

    AD-P is the link, relating to Notifiable Work - in this case, the work is most likely non-notifiable and therefore the issue of CPCS (or BC route) never comes into question.

    As for legal person, not sure where that comes from

    Could be a business, corporation, etc., not just a real human being

    Will schemes now be changing the scene name to "skilled person (electrically) scheme"?


  • As for legal person, not sure where that comes from

    Could be a business, corporation, etc., not just a real human being

    Quite so. Do any of the competent person schemes accept non-human persons? NICEIC seems to accept businesses, but how does a business get, e.g., an NVQ?

  • In my day you had to have a named qualifying manager

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