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Explain why RCDs fitted into extension leads or incorporated into plugs are forbidden

this question is inside a mentor guide at the place i work for someone to be signed off as a fully competent electrician.

none of us can think of any reason why this may be the case, can anyone else?

  • Plug-in RCDs certainly useful when talking 'power of opportunity' from other people's sites no argument there - but I can easily imagine (given what my local H&S mob are like) the 'elves' taking the attitude that for their own site, that if RCD protection is found to be missing then they want the problem fixed properly (by RCDing the socket or before) rather than relying on a plug-in solution that risks be trivially or accidentally defeated.

    You know the kind of scenario they come up with - your people knew RCD protection was missing from the socket, but chose not to do do anything about it because what was usually plugged into it had an RCD plug. Months later someone then unplug it and plugs in something else (perhaps a direct replacement of the original equipment, factory fitted with an ordinary plug), something goes faulty, someone gets hurt, HSE start asking if you did everything reasonable to avoid the danger...

    It's not the plug-in RCDs themselves that's the concern, but that they would be used as an excuse to sweep a problem under the carpet as it were.

       - Andy.

  • Plug-in RCDs certainly useful when talking 'power of opportunity' from other people's sites no argument there - but I can easily imagine (given what my local H&S mob are like) the 'elves' taking the attitude that for their own site, that if RCD protection is found to be missing then they want the problem fixed properly (by RCDing the socket or before) rather than relying on a plug-in solution that risks be trivially or accidentally defeated.

    You know the kind of scenario they come up with - your people knew RCD protection was missing from the socket, but chose not to do do anything about it because what was usually plugged into it had an RCD plug. Months later someone then unplug it and plugs in something else (perhaps a direct replacement of the original equipment, factory fitted with an ordinary plug), something goes faulty, someone gets hurt, HSE start asking if you did everything reasonable to avoid the danger...

    It's not the plug-in RCDs themselves that's the concern, but that they would be used as an excuse to sweep a problem under the carpet as it were.

       - Andy.

  • I do not think it is wise to deliberately put people at increased risk of a bad shock to prove a point that in someone else's opinion not RCD protecting a socket should have attracted more than a C3 whenever it was last inspected, That is what is being suggested.
