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E.V. Charger Saga.

Oh what fun

What I wish I'd known before installing an electric car charger at home (


  • The electric VW Transporter van has a range of 82 miles, you could not complete a days work without recharging at a public charger or a customers premises if you average a 100 miles each day.

    So buying the VW would be a stupid thing to do.

    The Nissan Is smaller, but at least you could complete a days work before it required recharging, so wins hands down.

  • The electric VW Transporter van has a range of 82 miles, you could not complete a days work without recharging at a public charger or a customers premises if you average a 100 miles each day.

    So buying the VW would be a stupid thing to do.

    The Nissan Is smaller, but at least you could complete a days work before it required recharging, so wins hands down.

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