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Earthing CAT6 SWA cable connecting EVSE.

Armoured External Cat6 UTP Solid Cable (Price Per Metre) | Cat6 Cable (

When running CAT6 SWA to Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment to provide an internet connect to allow the equipment to be activated remotely using an App or by the electric supplier if the consumer has signed up for a tariff that allows the electric supplier to select the precise charging times should the SWA armour always be earthed at one end only or should it mirror the connection of the CPC or armour of the EVSE supply circuit?

  • From an electrical safety point of view could shielded cable create more issues than it resolves.

  • From an electrical safety point of view could shielded cable create more issues than it resolves.

  • This is not shielded. It's armoured, and that is necessary to comply with BS 7671 unless you install the cable in a duct with equivalent mechanical protection (whatever that means ... but let's assume it's 750N twin-walled underground conduit ducting, for example)

    So, not earthing it is a safety non-compliance, unless it's in suitable underground conduit.

  • Good bonding and short cable distances may remove the need for SPDs ... from an electrical safety point of view, if we think that's an issue, then, as normal Cat5/Cat6 etc. are internal cabling only, we might need to think about isolation barriers of internal-grade Ethernet equipment without the bonding?