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MK SPD Device in a RCBO CU - puts main isolator in 2nd place. - Chinese or what ?

MK have given me a schematic to enable an RCBO only Consumer Unit on MK Sentry 

This puts the main isolation physically (not electrically) after the SPD.  Any experience of this on MK please ? Seems clumsy ?

  • The other way of avoiding the bus-bar would be to put the SPD at the far end - but that would increase the length of the SPD tails - which are best kept as short as possible for best SPD performance.

       - Andy.

  • The other way of avoiding the bus-bar would be to put the SPD at the far end - but that would increase the length of the SPD tails - which are best kept as short as possible for best SPD performance.

       - Andy.

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