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When did type A RCD's become a requirement for EV chargers

I am just looking at a potential EV charger installation for a house that has supposedly been prewired for an E charger but it's protected by a type AC RCCB. Then to make things worse it's in an easy 9 consumer unit and the only type A RCCB they have is only rated at 63A, the ev charger is sharing the RCCB with two other 32A circuits plus 4 others. I don't have any space for extra devices and will need to put an extra consumer unit in.

I am wondering if the install ever complied with the regulations. Looking at regulation 722.531.2.101 it's in the first 18th edition but i don't know if ev charging was even in any of the 17th editions?

Also quite shocking that I can't get a 100A type A RCCB from Schneider for the easy 9. 

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  • It came in the 17th edition AMD 3 in 2015.

    Sorry JP - normally you would be spot-on, but it was actually around 18 months earlier, BS 7671 Amendment 2:2013 (1 August 2013).

    As this was a separate Amendment publication, like Amendment 1:2020 to BS 7671:2018, John is sort of right that it never appeared the "big [coloured] book" until BS 7671:2008+A3:2015.