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One Single Action Only. 465.3.

Regarding "Emergency Switching Off,"  please provide examples of "One single action only." What is "One single action only?" What types of devices are suitable for such use allowing one single action only? 465.3.

  • The usual advise the the public in the event of a fire is to get out and call the fire brigade ... not hang around messing with switches, especially when turning them off wouldn't likely extinguish the fire anyway.

    Emergency stops are usually needed where there's a more immediate threat to life or limb - e.g. clothing or hair caught in a lathe or similar machine dragging someone in - where prompt action makes a lot of difference to the outcome.

    There's no point putting them on things that happen so slowly that other measures (e.g. exiting the building) are more effective, or so fast (e.g. electric shock) that it'll all be over before anyone could have pressed a button anyway.

       - Andy.

  • The usual advise the the public in the event of a fire is to get out and call the fire brigade ... not hang around messing with switches, especially when turning them off wouldn't likely extinguish the fire anyway.

    Emergency stops are usually needed where there's a more immediate threat to life or limb - e.g. clothing or hair caught in a lathe or similar machine dragging someone in - where prompt action makes a lot of difference to the outcome.

    There's no point putting them on things that happen so slowly that other measures (e.g. exiting the building) are more effective, or so fast (e.g. electric shock) that it'll all be over before anyone could have pressed a button anyway.

       - Andy.

  • Above, the installation of a Firefighters' emergency switch has been discussed. There may well be occasions where a member of the public will have to use such a device at a filling station. The switching off of such a switch may well reduce any additional hazards and prevent fuel from being pumped onto or around a burning vehicle. The use of the firefighters switch may lessen any potential disaster. I don't think that I would run away if I could safely turn such a switch off in case of an emergency.

    Ref below: Andy, there is a bang and a flash. Would you just run away or quickly investigate? Perhaps operate the fire alarm by a call point. Perhaps use a fire extinguisher. Perhaps operate an emergency stop button to limit the material that may be loaded onto a fire.

    Small explosion at South Kirkby Waste Recycling Centre caught on video | Watch (
