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Earthing system

Recently mobile welfare cabins with integral generators were used on site.

Test sheets supplied gave the earthing system as IT. 

2 phase 3 wire

NO earth electrode was used when the suppliers tested before arrival on site.

On arrival on site an earth electrode was installed and the cabin was connected to this.

Is the cabin now a TT system?

  • but a TN system is formed.

    But a TN system with the N-PE link on the wrong side of the RCD....

       - Andy.

  • Agreed - in this case, with only a single circuit, nothing will happen unless an OCPD operates.

    There are times when RCDs need to be backed up by other devices, but this is covered in BS 7671.

    This is the case I mean

    As above, OCPD would need to operate here, where there is just a single circuit ... BS 7671 doesn't really cover anything other than faults of negligible impedance.

  • Agreed - in this case, with only a single circuit, nothing will happen unless an OCPD operates.

    There are times when RCDs need to be backed up by other devices, but this is covered in BS 7671.

    This is the case I mean

    As above, OCPD would need to operate here, where there is just a single circuit ... BS 7671 doesn't really cover anything other than faults of negligible impedance.

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