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Musing on ring final unfused spur - Regs compliance and more from the EICR slant (but not necessarily)

Good day to all

Probably not an original question, but still...

Is there a Reg. non-compliance (which one(s) ) for having  2 double skts fed* unfused from a socket on a ring final  (presuming the connection is 'good' so to speak) ?

* either with the two on one  short bit of 'spur' cable, or each on its own short bit of cable , from the double socket

If the sockets were used to supply low powered items (chargers, a LED tv, lamp) and perhaps occasional vac. cleaner, or fan heater, then there is no overload concern as such, so what's the issue... is it simply the potential available to overload and for an EICR,  what exactly is the risk to record ...   it seems hardly potentially dangerous   and if its not that, why improve it !  Is that why it's 'informative' and not regulatory .  Musing over .


  • well two spurs from the same point is fine from a cable rating perspective but may need a chunky junction box to fit the total wire diameter.

    A daisy chain spur is not so clever, at least in 2,5mm as the cable may be overloaded - but if you know for sure the loads are only low current not that big a deal. Problems may arise later when the house ownership changes.

    The whole 'ring' thing is advisory -  there is nothing to stop you doing a 40A ring in 4mm or a lasso/lolipop final, or a spur in 4mm from the middle of a 2,5mm ring but you need to think to design it for the situation, and be happy in your conclusions.

    Most real sparks are quite risk averse, and prefer to do more of the same as they always have.

    Generally, rather like the crab-claws broken ring that is more like a centre fed radial,  I think I'd consider recommending  fusing down the whole ring to 25A or even 20A  unless there are good reason to be sure that in the specific case an overload is not credible.
    Only if evidence of overheating would it be immediate danger.

  • Thank you for the response. 

    If one was looking at it from an EICR point of view and based on your comments above, the 'recommendation' to be made   is based on the 'possibility of overload' (by the fact that there is more than one unfused spur socket in either arrangement I mentioned) ... so what is that then:  is it a potentially dangerous situation (based on 'it might happen one day'), or simply an improvement  ...   or is it just an additional comment with no severity rating as such ?

    Why again is  one socket + one unfused socket connected to it,  not a similar concern  to make a recommendation on ?

    (edit: is the presumption that no more than 26A will be taken from both the socket + the unfused one - 13A each - , and thats the basis)

    Thank you again

  • Thank you for the response. 

    If one was looking at it from an EICR point of view and based on your comments above, the 'recommendation' to be made   is based on the 'possibility of overload' (by the fact that there is more than one unfused spur socket in either arrangement I mentioned) ... so what is that then:  is it a potentially dangerous situation (based on 'it might happen one day'), or simply an improvement  ...   or is it just an additional comment with no severity rating as such ?

    Why again is  one socket + one unfused socket connected to it,  not a similar concern  to make a recommendation on ?

    (edit: is the presumption that no more than 26A will be taken from both the socket + the unfused one - 13A each - , and thats the basis)

    Thank you again

  • " Such circuits are deemed to meet the requirements of regulation 433.1.1 if the current -carrying capacity (Iz) of the cable in not less than 20 A and if the under intended conditions of use, the load current in any part of the circuit is unlikely to exceed for long periods the current carrying capacity (Iz) of the cable."



  • most will have read that of course.
