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Commercial 400v supply quality

I recently came across this DNO cutout and wanted to get other opinions on its current state. 

I'm trying to get a better understanding of what is "good practice" when it comes to commercial and industrial installations.

For me I notice...

- the main cutout is positioned upside down. 

- the extra cable entering the top connecting a single phase, with the exposed earthing conductor connecting to the MET. 

Is this acceptable and also is there anything else that that would require attention?

  • where does that un metered single phase go to - it is on the wrong side of the main fuses.... Normally 3 phase cut outs are not designed to allow a loop through to another cut out. That is more common on 1 phase terraced houses, and even there it is now deprecated.

    It does not look dangerous,  it is scruffy and it may have been 'touched' since installation, and not quite what the DNO remember...

    If that is whole current metering then I'd expect 100Aphase or less, so it is small.


  • So the single phase does go to another 100A cutout then meter. I'm sure this was a later edition. 

    Thanks for the response.

  • So the single phase does go to another 100A cutout then meter. I'm sure this was a later edition. 

    Thanks for the response.

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