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Old Lighting Wiring.

O.K. I admit that it is not that old, but dates back to the 1970s. What was the lighting cable called that had one line conductor and an earth continuity conductor at switches and/or lighting points, and also a separate single insulated and sheathed wire for the neutral? 

a, What is the cable type?

b, What was the wiring system called?

I know that I should know the answers but I have been working hard in a hot loft and my brain is not working.

Also, c, Did this wiring system save cable or not?


  • Yep you could buy single and earth. Just like twin and earth but no N. you could but single (and sheathed) N, you could also but N & E sheathed too but harder to source them. The cost of S & E cables was about £2 a roll more than T & E so most folk just bought T & E and cut the N as as not required. Singles or single & E was favoured for traditional loop in L at switches rather like the old singles in conduit previously.

    Two way switching often employed S or S & E when feeding different switches on two way switching as feed and return. However the common use of three core & E between two way switches negated need S & E. Some could not figure out how 3C&E should be connected though.

    I even knew of one chap that insisted £ C & E as strappers and common always needed a strip connector at one end of the 3C. I guess he could not perceive 5 wires in 3  terminals.

  • Yep you could buy single and earth. Just like twin and earth but no N. you could but single (and sheathed) N, you could also but N & E sheathed too but harder to source them. The cost of S & E cables was about £2 a roll more than T & E so most folk just bought T & E and cut the N as as not required. Singles or single & E was favoured for traditional loop in L at switches rather like the old singles in conduit previously.

    Two way switching often employed S or S & E when feeding different switches on two way switching as feed and return. However the common use of three core & E between two way switches negated need S & E. Some could not figure out how 3C&E should be connected though.

    I even knew of one chap that insisted £ C & E as strappers and common always needed a strip connector at one end of the 3C. I guess he could not perceive 5 wires in 3  terminals.

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