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Old Lighting Wiring.

O.K. I admit that it is not that old, but dates back to the 1970s. What was the lighting cable called that had one line conductor and an earth continuity conductor at switches and/or lighting points, and also a separate single insulated and sheathed wire for the neutral? 

a, What is the cable type?

b, What was the wiring system called?

I know that I should know the answers but I have been working hard in a hot loft and my brain is not working.

Also, c, Did this wiring system save cable or not?


  • Back in the days of small lead covered cables for house wiring, single core was common. When such installations started failing, some people replaced with plastic insulated and sheathed cables to EXACTLY the same layout. This suited persons without the knowledge to alter the layout, simply replace each failed cable on an exact like for like basis.

  • Hi Broadgage, yes I`ve seen a few lead cable installs, in fact a few that sparked on sheaths when moved. I remember a couple where to joints were in a discarded tobacco tin. The sheath of each cable had a few turns of bare wire then on to the adjacent one. After some years those "connections" of earthing were not as sound as the others

  • Hi Broadgage, yes I`ve seen a few lead cable installs, in fact a few that sparked on sheaths when moved. I remember a couple where to joints were in a discarded tobacco tin. The sheath of each cable had a few turns of bare wire then on to the adjacent one. After some years those "connections" of earthing were not as sound as the others

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