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Old Lighting Wiring.

O.K. I admit that it is not that old, but dates back to the 1970s. What was the lighting cable called that had one line conductor and an earth continuity conductor at switches and/or lighting points, and also a separate single insulated and sheathed wire for the neutral? 

a, What is the cable type?

b, What was the wiring system called?

I know that I should know the answers but I have been working hard in a hot loft and my brain is not working.

Also, c, Did this wiring system save cable or not?


  • The use of tobacco tins as joint boxes was common during the war and just after when materials were in short supply. The smaller or one ounce tins were used as joint boxes for house wiring. The very large tobacco tins that held eight ounces were used to house bell transformers.

    Wooden orange and apple boxes were used for jointing street mains, filled with bitumen. The wooden box soon rotted away but the bitumen lasted almost forever, such joints still turn up today.

  • The use of tobacco tins as joint boxes was common during the war and just after when materials were in short supply. The smaller or one ounce tins were used as joint boxes for house wiring. The very large tobacco tins that held eight ounces were used to house bell transformers.

    Wooden orange and apple boxes were used for jointing street mains, filled with bitumen. The wooden box soon rotted away but the bitumen lasted almost forever, such joints still turn up today.

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