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Old Lighting Wiring.

O.K. I admit that it is not that old, but dates back to the 1970s. What was the lighting cable called that had one line conductor and an earth continuity conductor at switches and/or lighting points, and also a separate single insulated and sheathed wire for the neutral? 

a, What is the cable type?

b, What was the wiring system called?

I know that I should know the answers but I have been working hard in a hot loft and my brain is not working.

Also, c, Did this wiring system save cable or not?


  • What was the wiring system called?

    Sometimes referred to as 'spider wiring' as often the L and N would take separate routes (L shortest convenient route between switches, N shortest convenient route between lights, SL in between (rather like the radials of a spider's web). The downside was that with no balancing  conductor in close proximity, the whole thing became a rather good aerial for transmitting 50Hz noise. Not so much of an issue in the old days with little in the way of electronic apparatus about, but it became more of a problem as technology advances, and a real pain in buildings with induction hearing loops.

    Of course, it is possible to lay out sheathed singles next to each other so that things are far better balanced (as you would with singles in conduit), but in practice that didn't usually happen...

       - Andy.

  • What was the wiring system called?

    Sometimes referred to as 'spider wiring' as often the L and N would take separate routes (L shortest convenient route between switches, N shortest convenient route between lights, SL in between (rather like the radials of a spider's web). The downside was that with no balancing  conductor in close proximity, the whole thing became a rather good aerial for transmitting 50Hz noise. Not so much of an issue in the old days with little in the way of electronic apparatus about, but it became more of a problem as technology advances, and a real pain in buildings with induction hearing loops.

    Of course, it is possible to lay out sheathed singles next to each other so that things are far better balanced (as you would with singles in conduit), but in practice that didn't usually happen...

       - Andy.

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