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Earth Sleeving ... what's it for?

Prompted by a comment in this thread:  Have you ever done it like this?

I thought it would be worth airing some opinions on the purpose of 'earth sleeving':

(a) According to BS 7671 (what Regulations require it, and for what purpose?)

(b) According to other risk reduction measures

  • What actually happens is someone undoes a fitting to decorate behind it, then when they push the fitting back one of its terminal screws touches the bare circuit protective conductor.

    Then there is either a big flash and a bang or the RCD trips depending on if it is a line or neutral terminal, just to really catch people out the RCD trip may be delayed until a heavy load is connected.

  •  Who the ek needs erf sleevin?

    What does B.S.  E.N. 60684 say?

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