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Earth Sleeving ... what's it for?

Prompted by a comment in this thread:  Have you ever done it like this?

I thought it would be worth airing some opinions on the purpose of 'earth sleeving':

(a) According to BS 7671 (what Regulations require it, and for what purpose?)

(b) According to other risk reduction measures


    Using sleeving was wasn’t even considered back in that era by the electricians who tied the earth wires in a knot behind the fuse board.

    I remember opening up a fuse board in Cheltenham to find the earth bar was completely unused without anything terminated into it and there not being any earth wires visible at all.

    There are still some about like that.


    Using sleeving was wasn’t even considered back in that era by the electricians who tied the earth wires in a knot behind the fuse board.

    I remember opening up a fuse board in Cheltenham to find the earth bar was completely unused without anything terminated into it and there not being any earth wires visible at all.

    There are still some about like that.

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