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Old Iron Underground Gas Pipe Earthing.

 I came upon this installation today. There is no P.M.E. earth terminal but just a TT rod outside. Ze is about 15 Ohms. But even accounting for the rain recently I can not see that a single 4ft. rod can achieve that low a Ze. The old Denso tape covered iron gas pipe runs underground to the road. It is bonded inside the house as is (presumably) the water pipe. The house is a 1930s aged property. I am noy happy about the final circuits in the consumer unit that do not have R.C.D. protection. Some of these supply outside metal lights on the bungalow wall. I can't imaging in the 80s or 90s this arrangement ever complying. Is the installation relying on the old gas pipe as an earth electrode? I could not do a thorough test today as the gas man was servicing the gas boiler.

Comments please?

  • I can't imaging in the 80s or 90s this arrangement ever complying. Is the installation relying on the old gas pipe as an earth electrode?

    Probably back in the 14th Ed relying on the water (or gas) pipework would have provided an acceptable earth - 15Ω now is probably the result of the mains down the street being converted to plastic.

       - Andy.

  • I can't imaging in the 80s or 90s this arrangement ever complying. Is the installation relying on the old gas pipe as an earth electrode?

    Probably back in the 14th Ed relying on the water (or gas) pipework would have provided an acceptable earth - 15Ω now is probably the result of the mains down the street being converted to plastic.

       - Andy.

  • But there are 10.00mm2 green and yellow bonding cables there. A newish earth rod,  and evidence of brown and blue rewired cables. Who would leave things like they are?
