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Telegraph pole on fire

What's going on here then?

  • I have seen a couple of pole fires.

    The one I have described a few times on this forum over the years, the ground workers on a site decided to dig in the no-dig zone where the big cables run underground into Pershore and hit them with the big steel bucket on a 360 excavator.

    I was at the front of the site and there was a ball of flames in the sky over a farm yard, I thought the farmer had blown himself up tinkering with machinery and ran over, I then realised the head of the H-pole was on fire where the overheads transitioned to under ground cables.

    When I walked back to the site I said to the ground workers there had just been an electrical explosion and they said they knew as they had hit the underground cables, I said I had some bad news for them it had took the pole out as well around two hundred metres away.  

  • I have seen a couple of pole fires.

    The one I have described a few times on this forum over the years, the ground workers on a site decided to dig in the no-dig zone where the big cables run underground into Pershore and hit them with the big steel bucket on a 360 excavator.

    I was at the front of the site and there was a ball of flames in the sky over a farm yard, I thought the farmer had blown himself up tinkering with machinery and ran over, I then realised the head of the H-pole was on fire where the overheads transitioned to under ground cables.

    When I walked back to the site I said to the ground workers there had just been an electrical explosion and they said they knew as they had hit the underground cables, I said I had some bad news for them it had took the pole out as well around two hundred metres away.  

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