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Telegraph pole on fire

What's going on here then?

  • Market Lavington High street junction with Stobberts Road.

    Repair is indeed a class act as captured by Google streetview 5 years later.

    For when your ADS breaking capacity exceeds the fault current, the breaking time is a lot more than 5 seconds - nothing adiabatic about this.


  • Market Lavington High street junction with Stobberts Road.

    Repair is indeed a class act as captured by Google streetview 5 years later.

    For when your ADS breaking capacity exceeds the fault current, the breaking time is a lot more than 5 seconds - nothing adiabatic about this.


  • There was no new pole installed then. The old damaged one was just badgered up! I suppose that money is tight. The "make do and mend" approach of the Second World War period.


  • I guess as long as the pole is still viable, then there will be less disruption to supplies by fixing in-situ rather than having all the power off while they replace the pole.