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BS 7671:2018+A1:2020 is withdrawn next week, join us for a LIVE webinar to find out how this affects you!

There's less than a week until BS 7671:2018+A1:2020 is withdrawn on 27 September 2022. All of your electrical installations, therefore, must comply with BS 7671:2018+A2:2022 from 28 September 2022.

If you are an installer and/or designer you will need to consider the changes brought about by BS 7671:2018+A2:2022 and have discussions with your clients before starting work.

Join the IET and CEF on 27 September 2022 at 19:00 BST for a live webinar to discuss the withdrawal of BS 7671:2018+A1:2020 and how it will affect you. 

Speakers include: 

  • Darren Staniforth, Head of Technical Solutions, CEF
  • Dave Austin, Technical Presenter
  • Mark Coles, Head of Technical Regulations, IET

Register to attend the webinar (it's free!) 

  • There's plenty of publication mileage with the current green madness, perhaps a new section to the regs is in order.

    The IET didn't really need AFDD or surge protection. But maybe that was an insurance policy.


    Our Knowledge Services team covers an enormous breadth of different products and services and not just the publication of the Wiring Regs. Slight smile

    Although yes, the sale of the wiring regs and its subsequent updates do contribute an amount to the overall income, I don't think it's as large a proportion to the overall sum as you would expect. 

    We are a huge organisation with many different products and activities. Although we're well known to the general public as being the publisher of the Wiring Regs, it's only one very small part of what we do!

    Amazon for example, is much more than just a book seller.... Wink


  • You're registered!

    Thank you for registering to attend our FREE Webinar with Darren Staniforth, Dave Austin and Mark Coles, where they will be discussing the most significant changes to the 18th Edition wiring regulations and answering your questions.

    Title: 18th Edition, 2nd Amendment with CEF & IET
    Date: Tuesday 27th September 2022
    Time: 19:00
    Duration: 1 hour
    We will send you the link to access the webinar on the morning of the event, so that it doesn’t get lost in your inbox. Keep your eyes peeled for it landing...

    Thank you,
    The CEF Team
    I Registered last week for this event. I was lead to believe that I would receive the webinar link this morning. I'm still waiting.
    Would it have helped if I had ordered a CEF catalogue first?
    May I suggest that the IET place an independent copy on their website so some of us can view it later.
  • I received a copy of this email - at 19:48 on the 27th (i.e., after the event started).

    I never completed the registration (as I wasn't prepared to consent to marketing), so I'm not sure why...

    Edited to add:

    Ignore me - that "email" was just a notification containing what you posted - didn't notice the sender address when I was reading on my phone.

  • Wasn`t optional Lisa. Ticking the box would allow you to register, not ticking that tick box would NOT allow you to register . Devious?

  • How can I watch the talk that I missed

    G M McIlwrick

  • me too - is there a recording? (would be good for those of us that had other commitments at that particular time)

       - Andy.