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AFDDs and bated breath

The IET/CEF webinar on BS7671A2 a few days ago was a good entertaining, production which was easily digested. At one stage Darren turns to Mark and suggests that we are waiting with bated breath as to whether Mark in consultation with colleagues from ESF will prescribe a code two or three to the absence of AFDDs in an installation. Their decision will then be published in a new Best Practice Guide for periodic inspection and testing. 
I trust that the Guide will keep to domestic installations. Straying into areas where BS7671 mandates AFDDs will cause serious issues with the statutory requirements attendant with those installations. The absence of such devices in these circumstances is best left to professional fire risk assessment rather than some arbitrary declaration that does not have knowledge of the individual premises or the control measures that are in place. 

  • Interesting question, along with the consumer paying perhaps £25 a year or more for a board full of AFDDs? I was speaking to a wind company yesterday, they are currently being paid £425 /MWhr. Basically the electricity market doesn't work, During Covid they lost a ton of money as they had to pay the market .

    Nnow it has gone the other way! Did the consumer get really cheap power during lockdown? Now they are expected to pay a fortune for power which only ratchets one way! At this price I could make money with diesel generation at the MW level, or even more by using jet fuel. This is mad and the Greens still cannot explain why we should pay so much, their energy is supposed to be cheap to the consumer. An electric car charge with no tax or duty now costs as much per mile as petrol, you couldn't make it up! I know, raise the duty on petrol to make the market work! Idiots.

  • Interesting question, along with the consumer paying perhaps £25 a year or more for a board full of AFDDs? I was speaking to a wind company yesterday, they are currently being paid £425 /MWhr. Basically the electricity market doesn't work, During Covid they lost a ton of money as they had to pay the market .

    Nnow it has gone the other way! Did the consumer get really cheap power during lockdown? Now they are expected to pay a fortune for power which only ratchets one way! At this price I could make money with diesel generation at the MW level, or even more by using jet fuel. This is mad and the Greens still cannot explain why we should pay so much, their energy is supposed to be cheap to the consumer. An electric car charge with no tax or duty now costs as much per mile as petrol, you couldn't make it up! I know, raise the duty on petrol to make the market work! Idiots.

  • VAT is chargeable on electricity for charging cars.  Those who can charge at home are lucky, as they pay only 5% VAT.  Plug into a commercial rapid charger, and it's 20% VAT.