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Paid not to consume electricity...

Looks like the scheme is going forward 

Has anyone heard yet the details of how it will work? ... as (even with a smart meter) they can't measure what you don't use so presumably will try to compare with some kind of "normal" - any idea what that "normal" is likely to be? An average across all customers - or what you actually used the same day the previous week or something like?  I'm just wondering if it might allow the unscrupulous to inflate their usage at certain times to claim the extra money at others...

       - Andy.

  • Leaving aside the fact that pit villages and towns were built over the coal, what about open cast?

    If you have good amount of coal relatively close to the surface ... but that's the easy coal that's almost all been taken in these parts.That's the trouble with being first with the industrial revolution - we've a couple of centuries ahead in terms of depletion. We didn't start "deep" mining for the fun of it.

       - Andy.

  • I was working on some topside plant at Hadfield Colliery a few years ago, the chief mining chap said that there was a minimum of 20 years worth of coal deposits left on the site.

    Now it's shut!

  • Just because it's there, it doesn't mean it's economically viable to extract it.

  • It is when the price rises, yet still stays cheaper than russian gas or nuclear energy.

  • It is when the price rises, yet still stays cheaper than russian gas or nuclear energy.

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