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Domestic Power Wiring - Upstairs & Downstairs

I have surveyed a house and have observed a domestic ring circuit which is serves a floor area exceeding 100m2, including upstairs, downstairs and utility containing (washing machine and tumble dryer) (kitchen ring is separate). I am ok with this circuit contravening the 100m2 guidance, and not being respective to the load of the whitegoods, but I understand there is guidance on a domestic ring only covering a single level.

Can somebody point me towards this guidance either in published Guidance Notes or the Regulations.


Slight smile

  • The limit of 100 square metres is only a guideline and not a requirement and the installation might be fine, unless unusually heavy loading is expected. As kitchen ring circuits tend to be heavily loaded, one circuit for the kitchen and one for the rest of the home can be a good approach.

  • The limit of 100 square metres is only a guideline and not a requirement and the installation might be fine, unless unusually heavy loading is expected. As kitchen ring circuits tend to be heavily loaded, one circuit for the kitchen and one for the rest of the home can be a good approach.

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