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What torque settings for accessory screws.

As a newish teacher I am trying to get students to fix things with the correct amount of torque.

Tightening brass screws like they are wheel nuts does not give materials much of a lifespan.

So I bought a couple of torque screwdrivers, so they can quickly get a feel for how tight things should be.

However now I look at data sheets I can't seem to find Torque info for anything smaller than a a miniature circuit breaker.

The data sheets now often include other everyday information like Altitude.

Does anyone have some guidance for smaller brass screw torques, or know of a manufacturer that publishes such data?

  • Tightening brass screws like they are wheel nuts

    I first bought a torque wrench 40-odd years ago for tightening cylinder head nuts, the point being that they had to be done up evenly and in the correct order. Everything else was done by feel. Nowadays a service manual will have torque figures for every single nut and bolt. Like wheel nuts? Mine (in fact bolts) require 150 N m, which you won't achieve with the sort of spanner that comes with the car.

    I suspect that less experienced people probably would not tighten terminals sufficiently rather than too much and once you get above the domestic scale, a screwdriver simply isn't big enough.

    Any road, can you imagine doing up every ceiling rose and socket with a torque driver?

  • Thanks, but the point is not to teach them to use a torque screwdriver on everything, (I don't have enough torque screwdrivers anyway) but to help give them get a feel for how tight things should be.

  • Thanks, but the point is not to teach them to use a torque screwdriver on everything, (I don't have enough torque screwdrivers anyway) but to help give them get a feel for how tight things should be.

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