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Electrician videos on Youtube. Are they dangerous to all?

I was watching a bit of a Youtube video, which showed a DB with very "tidy" wiring, of the type that now appears to be in vogue. A large number of circuits were all bundled and cable tied into a very neat cable form of the type found inside Electronic equipment. The length of this was probably a couple of feet, so comes under the regulations for derating of cables in close proximity, and the overall rating of each circuit was probably 1/4 of that the designer expected. The cables inside switchgear should all be loose and as far as possible in free air to keep temperatures within limits, and as you know DBs get quite hot even with this arrangement. How have we got to this situation of incompetence? I did leave a comment, but this will probably be removed!

  • Whilst some may think this can be passed over if the cables haven't melted yet, I cannot agree. This attitude suggests that any massive grouping of cables is satisfactory, at least on day one, and is therefore to be condoned. In my view it requires an immediate C2 at inspection, and even the slightest cable damage would be a C1. It is usually OK inside control panels and electronics, but I have come across electronic equipment where serious damage has resulted from this kind of practice, that is the entire equipment being fire damaged beyond repair.

  • I have had a recent instance whereby an old square D 3 ph board had a C32 KQ type RCBO feeding a ring final. The neutral tails of the RCBOs had been ty-wrapped together and this had resulted in heavy scorching along the length of one of them, leading to a complete melt-off at the termination end - which was not a loose connection. The adjacent leads had similar marks but not as severe.I swapped it out for as new B32A version, but given the cost of these things it could have been avoided.  I am a messy CU wirier who believes that time dressing something up to the nth degree is just wasting customers money given the extra time having to be taken to do so.

  • I have had a recent instance whereby an old square D 3 ph board had a C32 KQ type RCBO feeding a ring final. The neutral tails of the RCBOs had been ty-wrapped together and this had resulted in heavy scorching along the length of one of them, leading to a complete melt-off at the termination end - which was not a loose connection. The adjacent leads had similar marks but not as severe.I swapped it out for as new B32A version, but given the cost of these things it could have been avoided.  I am a messy CU wirier who believes that time dressing something up to the nth degree is just wasting customers money given the extra time having to be taken to do so.

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