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Volt drop - 2 core supply, 1 core return

Hi all,

Seeking some advice on a 24V distribution system that I have come across.

  1. The system runs some long cables hence issues with volt drop. It is still compliant as far as I can tell.
  2. The method used to compensate was to run 3 core cables with 2c for the supply and 1c for the return.

Are there any safety concerns with using a 3 core cable for this purpose or using the 2c supply, 1c return?

  • As long as protective devices etc. are sized for the single conductor I don't see any safety issues.

    If it were LV and using ADS I might be more tempted to double up the N rather than the L - same result as far as voltage drop is concerned, but doesn't risk increase the touch voltage during earth faults  - but not an issue for a 24V system.

       - Andy.