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LED floodlights causing induction hob to flicker on and off

A friend has a barn, the supply is fed from his house into a DB in the barn, (not sure if fed straight from the incoming supply in his house, or fed from a way in his DB board in his house)

He has LED floodlights (450w) x 10 in his field, fed from a way in his DB in the barn. 

When he has over 6 of the floodlights on, the induction hob in his home, fed from his house DB is flickering on and off. 

Has anyone got any clues as to why this is happening?

The barn has a TT earth setup. 

  • Have you measured the voltage at the hob?  I wonder if it's dropping below 217V and causing the hob to malfunction.

    Alternatively, if they are cheap LED lamps, the power factor may be terrible, and the resulting mains is only vaguely approximating to a sine wave.  That could cause problems with the hob's internal ELV power supply, in turn causing the microcontroller to keep resetting.

  • Have you measured the voltage at the hob?  I wonder if it's dropping below 217V and causing the hob to malfunction.

    Alternatively, if they are cheap LED lamps, the power factor may be terrible, and the resulting mains is only vaguely approximating to a sine wave.  That could cause problems with the hob's internal ELV power supply, in turn causing the microcontroller to keep resetting.

  • Thanks for the reply and the suggestions! I haven’t done any testing or nothing on it, going to have a look at it after the weekend! Will check a few things, the lights were bought from a company on Amazon, they could easily be cheap ones.