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IEE REGS monty python


Insurance documents for my property give IEE as the standard of compliance.

I was led to believe that the IEE is as Monty Pythons Parrot, And all regs now are IET.

Is this correct? Should someone divulge this to my insurance company?

As I am a MIET and have all the old G&G -- A -B C electrical qualifications. Electricians certificate and the Licentiate from them. Then my HND on top of those. 

Question - Can I sign off on the  Premises Periodical Electrical Certification -or must pay a Contractor with half my qualifications to do it.

What is the MIET accreditation worth in that scenario.? The insurers also ask for an ISO number.?

I know I can do the PAT testing- just reading the PAT regs clarify that. Especially when one PAT comedian claimed my walk in cold room is a Portable Appliance. (Coz it got a plug on it.)

Regards  Tony

  • I was led to believe that the IEE is as Monty Pythons Parrot, And all regs now are IET.

    A good lawyer might say that the IEE isn't dead, it merely changed its name - more like a wedding than a funeral. In any event the phase "IEE Wiring Regulations" persisted in official use long after the renaming of the IEE to the IET - just look at the spine of BS 7671 up to about 2011. Even if the term is now a little outdated, I suspect the "reasonable man in the street" would be happy that the original meaning was still clear enough.

    Question - Can I sign off on the  Premises Periodical Electrical Certification -or must pay a Contractor with half my qualifications to do it.

    Depends on the requirement of whoever's requiring the report (a periodic is a report, not a certificate) - but I'd expect they usually want a independent 3rd party - just so that there's no obvious conflict of interest.

       - Andy.

  • I was led to believe that the IEE is as Monty Pythons Parrot, And all regs now are IET.

    A good lawyer might say that the IEE isn't dead, it merely changed its name - more like a wedding than a funeral. In any event the phase "IEE Wiring Regulations" persisted in official use long after the renaming of the IEE to the IET - just look at the spine of BS 7671 up to about 2011. Even if the term is now a little outdated, I suspect the "reasonable man in the street" would be happy that the original meaning was still clear enough.

    Question - Can I sign off on the  Premises Periodical Electrical Certification -or must pay a Contractor with half my qualifications to do it.

    Depends on the requirement of whoever's requiring the report (a periodic is a report, not a certificate) - but I'd expect they usually want a independent 3rd party - just so that there's no obvious conflict of interest.

       - Andy.

  • Note - the IET did continue to publish the regs as IEE regs for a while after the actual change of name