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IEE REGS monty python


Insurance documents for my property give IEE as the standard of compliance.

I was led to believe that the IEE is as Monty Pythons Parrot, And all regs now are IET.

Is this correct? Should someone divulge this to my insurance company?

As I am a MIET and have all the old G&G -- A -B C electrical qualifications. Electricians certificate and the Licentiate from them. Then my HND on top of those. 

Question - Can I sign off on the  Premises Periodical Electrical Certification -or must pay a Contractor with half my qualifications to do it.

What is the MIET accreditation worth in that scenario.? The insurers also ask for an ISO number.?

I know I can do the PAT testing- just reading the PAT regs clarify that. Especially when one PAT comedian claimed my walk in cold room is a Portable Appliance. (Coz it got a plug on it.)

Regards  Tony

  • The disconnect with it all- is that the regs are basically  for DOMESTIC DWELLINGS.  Once a substantial factory has a     COMPETENT PERSON IE ----  IEE  Engineer on site. No contractors are allowed through the door. So  the comments that competent engineers cannot sign off on testing, within the factory, are all barking up  the wrong tree. It is all covered in the competent person clause.

    Who then WRITES THE REGS------ IS IT SOME HAIRY BACKED CONTRACTOR WITH  A   C&G  A  - OR COULD THE GUY WRITING THE REGS BE MORE KNOWLEDGEABLE THAN THE guy trying to decipher them, even though he is not a contractor.

    When I was roaming the world. A guy showed up with an IEE---- He was a qualified Engineer and that was that.--- The IEE had VETTED HIM.  Knowing what end of a soldering iron is hot-- would not get the accreditation, back in the day.

  • The disconnect with it all- is that the regs are basically  for DOMESTIC DWELLINGS.  Once a substantial factory has a     COMPETENT PERSON IE ----  IEE  Engineer on site. No contractors are allowed through the door. So  the comments that competent engineers cannot sign off on testing, within the factory, are all barking up  the wrong tree. It is all covered in the competent person clause.

    Who then WRITES THE REGS------ IS IT SOME HAIRY BACKED CONTRACTOR WITH  A   C&G  A  - OR COULD THE GUY WRITING THE REGS BE MORE KNOWLEDGEABLE THAN THE guy trying to decipher them, even though he is not a contractor.

    When I was roaming the world. A guy showed up with an IEE---- He was a qualified Engineer and that was that.--- The IEE had VETTED HIM.  Knowing what end of a soldering iron is hot-- would not get the accreditation, back in the day.

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