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Lightning protection to extension on existing building

Hi all,

We're carrying out The electrical install to an extension onto a farm shop.The Existing building is single story, metal framed with a metal apex roof & existing PV on top. There is essentially a new wing being bolted onto it. We are also carrying out the design and I've had a lightning protection company come  to do an RA to see if and what level it should be installed. 

The risk assessment has come back as lightning protection being required. However, the client has done the usual thing and questioned why it's needed when the building has been standing for 15 years and never been struck by lightning etc etc.. So much so that they've said they're not willing to pay for it.

As we or designing the electrical installation for the new part of the building, I'm not sure where this leaves us from a legal standpoint. Other than getting the client to sign a disclaimer stating they're aware of the risks and are still happy to not have it installed. We can't force them to have it installed & It puts us in a difficult situation! 

Has anyone else come across anything like this? Any feedback would be very welcome!



  • Has a risk to life been highlighted on the LPS risk assessment?

  • unless the new building is the tallest thing around, or has some odd lightning attractive feature, the change to the existing risk will be small, more or less in the ratio of the old to new roof areas - what has changed is the attitude to  given risk level over the years.

    If you have passed on the expert's advice, but they are insistent they do not need it, - and you could advise them to check if their insurers are happy, then just do what they are asking for, and no more, your paperwork needs to show that the it is the customers that have declined your offer to fit new lightning protection. Then they are masters of their own destiny as it were, not your problem. After all they may add something themselves afterwards using another contractor.


  • I've had a lightning protection company come  to do an RA

    This is all about contract. Whose idea was it to get the lightning protection company in; and who pays them?

  • There is a standard provided by Furse which can be used to determine if protection is required. I suggest that a copy is given to the customer for their rational decision. 

    Many factors need to be considered though; having stayed in the South African Highveldt for many years where lightning storms with heavy downpours occurred most afternoons, during their summer, I witnessed the damage done, especially to tall trees when the bark was completed stripped off, also the inductive effects of strikes near wire reinforcing in concrete walls et al.     

    Jaymack to BS 62305 3rd edition.pdf

  • Hi all, many thanks for replies. The lightning RA came back with a calculated risk to Human life (unprotected) of 1.36E-04 (Meaningless to me tbh) but we know it's recommended to be installed. We initially engaged with the lightning protection company to carry out a Risk assessment, as we are carrying out the design and install of the electrical installation. We believe we're carrying out our due diligence in this respect ( especially when dealing with a metal frame / roof building) 

    It is fairly low rise, peaking at around 4m at the apex.

    I appreciate all the advice, just interested to know what others have done if they have ever been in a similar situation.

    Thanks again

  • Hi Tim

    Interested to know what happened. Did your client agree and pay for the  additional lightning protection or did they dig their heels in and not accept it?