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BS7671 and Tee shirts

What is that has all the 7671 experts dumping their usual sartorial elegance and donning black tee shirts? Even the dapper GK was sporting that casual attire in a recent efix video along with that other cool dude, Mark Coles! 
When I first started as a part-time tutor 30 years ago, we turned out in close to our Sunday best. Now it seems that a black tee shirt, jogging bottoms and gutties are the ticket. 

  • Once upon a time, we had white collar workers and blue collar workers. Now, it seems, we have no collar workers.

  • Once upon a time, we had white collar workers and blue collar workers. Now, it seems, we have no collar workers.

  • Once upon a time, there existed the IEEIE, IMechEIE and the IIExE, and then there was the IIE and IEE ... but now just 'the IET' ?