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Sanity check 4B1

Ambient temperature of 38C, cable 70C, what is Ca? 

  • ah yes, the vd limit gets you, it cannot be 6mm, and maybe can't be 10mm either depending how hot it runs.  sorry for missing that.

    I do not like the form of words
    " touching one other similar circuit which has a conductor operating temperature of 70°C"
    to me that does not say a cable whose insulation can stand 70c, but rather this is the temp that the copper in that cable is already - i.e. it is fully loaded and cannot be grouped if it has 70c rated insulation or maybe it is square  of  40/60ths of fully loaded if its insulation is good for 90 but the copper is at 70.

    It is not clear, and it could legitimately be understood in more than one way.

    Like my comment about the holes in some designs of tray, and if not enough then degrading from E to C, I am deliberately looking for trouble - I think I know what the examiners expect, but then they should be more careful with their questions.


  • ah yes, the vd limit gets you, it cannot be 6mm, and maybe can't be 10mm either depending how hot it runs.  sorry for missing that.

    I do not like the form of words
    " touching one other similar circuit which has a conductor operating temperature of 70°C"
    to me that does not say a cable whose insulation can stand 70c, but rather this is the temp that the copper in that cable is already - i.e. it is fully loaded and cannot be grouped if it has 70c rated insulation or maybe it is square  of  40/60ths of fully loaded if its insulation is good for 90 but the copper is at 70.

    It is not clear, and it could legitimately be understood in more than one way.

    Like my comment about the holes in some designs of tray, and if not enough then degrading from E to C, I am deliberately looking for trouble - I think I know what the examiners expect, but then they should be more careful with their questions.


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