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Isolation & Switching

Given that on Xmas Eve was called out to yet another example of an electric shower isolator burning off it's neutral at the terminal, is it time to cease fitting isolators for the likes of ovens and showers?

Can we not just isolate in the consumer unit instead?

From what I have seen, there isn't an isolator of sufficient quality on today's market which is capable of carrying out it's function without burning out during normal service.

Compliments of the Season to one and all.

  • Given that shower isolators are prevalent and a handy means of switching at the bathroom; there are probably many that give satisfactory service, I suggest that the problem is with limp wristed installers or the switch location being covered up with excess, thermal insulation. The ones that simply switch pressure pumps are probably most troublefree, having a lower current rating.


  • Well, I went to CEF (only buggers open this week) and picked up a Click isolator - no 2 screw option though, only a single screw for each terminal. I fitted the thing but am forecasting that it won't be long before I have to go back and fit another. Shower is a Mira jobbie but I couldn't find the KW rating label on it anywhere. All I know is that it was fitted roughly 9 months ago.

  • Well, I went to CEF (only buggers open this week) and picked up a Click isolator - no 2 screw option though, only a single screw for each terminal. I fitted the thing but am forecasting that it won't be long before I have to go back and fit another. Shower is a Mira jobbie but I couldn't find the KW rating label on it anywhere. All I know is that it was fitted roughly 9 months ago.

  • A resistance measurement of the elements might have given a fair indication. There does seem to be some corelation on the few I`ve tested, enough to hint at an estimation anyway.

    In fact I did the measurements of a couple of 3 element types and noted some kind of corelation as being "within the parish" sort o` speak. The reason I was doing it was to calculate a reconfig to put elements in series to get an idea of the likely resulting KW for a lower power in line water heater jobby.