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Isolation & Switching

Given that on Xmas Eve was called out to yet another example of an electric shower isolator burning off it's neutral at the terminal, is it time to cease fitting isolators for the likes of ovens and showers?

Can we not just isolate in the consumer unit instead?

From what I have seen, there isn't an isolator of sufficient quality on today's market which is capable of carrying out it's function without burning out during normal service.

Compliments of the Season to one and all.

  • How about a contactor located at the DB, with a control circuit only going to the shower isolator? It could even be an ELV control circuit.......

    I know that the contactor cannot be relied on as actual, proper,  isolation, but it could eliminate burn out in the shower and cooker isolators, which I too find extraordinarily common and almost always in the neutral conductor........this is probably a greater danger than the isolation - which should be carried out by a professional anyway. 

    Might be a way forward for the future 19th edition.......Money mouth

  • How about a contactor located at the DB, with a control circuit only going to the shower isolator? It could even be an ELV control circuit.......

    I know that the contactor cannot be relied on as actual, proper,  isolation, but it could eliminate burn out in the shower and cooker isolators, which I too find extraordinarily common and almost always in the neutral conductor........this is probably a greater danger than the isolation - which should be carried out by a professional anyway. 

    Might be a way forward for the future 19th edition.......Money mouth

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