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Does anyone know where I might obtain an electronic copy of BS7671:A2?

No I don't mean a dodgy version, I just need to find a relatively swift method of copying a large number of observations without manually typing each one out.

Alternatively, does the digital subscription offered by the IET allow users to copy observations and paste them into separate documents?


  • digital copy from IET will give you what you need

  • If you are thinking of the model forms, they are available free of charge.

  • They use VitalSource to provide the electronic version of the "regs". I would suggest you download their app or try their website before parting with any money as it's not technology that is particularly good.

  • Yes like Paul above has said you can get the IETs digital packages that you can use on your phone, computer or tablet. Depending on which package you buy you get BS 7671 and some or all of the IET Wiring Regs books. 

    I like the search facility that scans all the books in my package and lists the various references. 

    You can load the package on to 4 devices which is handy when you are out on site or on the train.


  • Thanks all.

    To clarify - it isn't merely access to electronic versions that I'm after; it's the ability to copy and paste a large number of regulations that I need.

    Therefore a PDF version (that I convert to .doc) would be perfect - as someone else stated, it doesn't look possible to copy and paste from the IET digital package (VitalSource) apps.

  • Do you need to copy the Regulation, or just refer to the relevant Reg Numbers you're making the observation against?

  • I need to copy the regulation(s) - lots of them in fact. The prospect of manually typing them doesn't overly fill me with glee.  

  • I need to copy the regulation(s) - lots of them in fact.

    Is that permitted (Copyright)?

  • I don't want to copy them verbatim, though surely this is no different than paraphrasing the regulation(s) and quoting the regulation number on an EICR? If we're guilty of copyright fraud for paraphrasing BS7671 then I suggest we're all in trouble.  

  • UK copyright law allows limited quotations from a work for "fair use" purposes.  But not copying-and-pasting large chunks of text.  I would think that quoting enough that a customer knows what a reg. number means is probably fair use (but that's only my opinion, not legal advice).