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Installation Method - Is this compliant with BS7671?

I have recently surveyed a site that we are monitoring client side, and the electrical contractor has installed the cable supplying the bedside sockets and lighting surface mounted which will be installed behind a bedhead. Is this compliant with BS7671? We have raised this as an issue as there is no mechanical protection to the cable and also there is potential of the bedhead coming loose and damaging the cable sheath (it is a hotel...). We have advised this is installed in conduit. 

Let me know your thoughts. 

  • if the bedhead was something like this it might be acceptable.

    Edit; Removed photo of nice hotel room, headboard with lights and sockets inset,  found on the web that might be subject to copyright. Also might be confusing with this stupid "reply to post" setup on this forum.

  • My thoughts entirely. It seems normal these days for the bed head to be a fitting on the wall and not part of the bed itself. The guests may cause the bed to move, but not the head board itself. Hopefully! Laughing

  • My thoughts entirely. It seems normal these days for the bed head to be a fitting on the wall and not part of the bed itself. The guests may cause the bed to move, but not the head board itself. Hopefully! Laughing

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