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Installation Method - Is this compliant with BS7671?

I have recently surveyed a site that we are monitoring client side, and the electrical contractor has installed the cable supplying the bedside sockets and lighting surface mounted which will be installed behind a bedhead. Is this compliant with BS7671? We have raised this as an issue as there is no mechanical protection to the cable and also there is potential of the bedhead coming loose and damaging the cable sheath (it is a hotel...). We have advised this is installed in conduit. 

Let me know your thoughts. 

  • I know that bedding and furniture material these days are subject to ignition testing, but looking at that photo, part of the material would be within the socket enclosure, and possibly subject to a different testing regime. That would concern me more than any wiring going behind the panels

  • Fair point, but is that any different from flaps of wallpaper tucked in behind an accessory?

  • depends who did it i suppose. Here it is designed. A decorator just does what is easiest for them. 

  • depends who did it i suppose. Here it is designed. A decorator just does what is easiest for them. 

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