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Phenolic cutout dangers

Former Community Member
Former Community Member

I'm investigating safety concerns over phenolic cutouts.

The DNOs say it's not a problem but I've heard from electrical experts that the material acts a conductor once degraded and is a fire risk. The manufacturers acknowledge this is an issue.

Does anyone here have experience or concerns surrounding phenolic cutouts? Please share your thoughts and any images you might have here.

Should we replacing them, or waiting until they deteriorate?

  • This is an incomer in Cardiff,  I think the cable and pitch filled spreader were installed in the late 1800's, in the one document above it says this is safe to work on without isolation as the DNO equipment are separate components. 

    I have had customers whose front gardens were dug up and the original supply cable cut to isolate the DNO equipment to replace it along with the meter with a new supply cable run in from where the original was cut.

    Plastic equipment does get condemned. 

  • That two-colour notice seems to be gilding the lily.

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