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TN-S Earthing for Electric Vehicle Charging


If a building has a TN-S earthing arrangement (and the utility company have confirmed it won't be amended to a TN-C-S in the future), does this remove the requirement for O-PEN devices or an earth electrode for an electric vehicle charger.


  • Confirming that the arrangement will remain TN-S forever and stating that there is no present intention to change it are two very different things.

  • Hi Chris, I was trying to steer any responses away from the reliability of a TN-S arrangement remaining so, which is a conversation of its own. Simply wanted to confirm if a TN-S arrangement was compliant for EVC with no O-PEN devices or earth electrode present. Thanks

  • Well, if it's TN-S there is no PEN for an O-PEN device. What tells you that the supply is TN-S please?

  • Well, if it's TN-S there is no PEN for an O-PEN device. What tells you that the supply is TN-S please?

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